Welcome to the website of the QSK
The Quality Network of Radiation Protection Training Centers (QSK) is an association of institutions in Germany
which offer officially recognized courses in radiation protection. On a voluntary basis, its members submit themselves
to quality assurance measures in respect of teaching content, organisation, didactics, facilities and the use of media,
which go beyond the legally binding regulations and are intended to ensure the quality of teaching.
Our members offer radiation protection courses according to the Radiation Protection Act (StrlSchG) and the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV)
- qualification in radiation protection
- knowledge in radiation protection
- in the field of medicine and technology
Radiation protection training centres that are not yet members of our association and would like to become
members can find out more about us by reading the texts available here. Under "Information for course organisers"
we would like to give you an insight into the standards and regulations on which our work is based.
Our website is also intended as information for all those who handle radioactive substances or
X-rays and therefore need a radiation protection course. Under "Information for course participants" you
will find information about knowledge and qualification in radiation protection. With our course finder you
can find out which course you need and where this course is offered.
You can find a list of our members here.